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Only Hydrafacial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, & hydrate with super serums made with nourishing ingredients that create a gratifying glow.

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How does HydraFacial treatment work?


A HydraFacial is performed by either a licensed aesthetician or a dermatologist. The procedure is completed in three parts:

  • Your provider uses a vortex-like wand against your skin to help clear away dirt and oil from deep in your pores. They also use a peel to help exfoliate and resurface your skin.
  • Your provider uses a vacuum-like attachment on the wand to help extract debris from your pores.
  • Your provider uses a pen-like attachment to apply a moisturizing serum with antioxidants.
    A HydraFacial is sometimes followed by other skin care treatments, such as dermal fillers or light therapy. These are considered add-ons and are not included as part of the HydraFacial.

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Currently, there are no clinical studies highlighting the benefits of the HydraFacial for acne.

However, microdermabrasion techniques have long been considered effective for treating both acne and acne scars. This is likely due to the deep exfoliation that helps remove pore-clogging skin cells.

HydraFacial for blackheads

Dead skin cells also contribute to blackheads. This noninflammatory type of acne may benefit from the same exfoliating and extracting methods used in the HydraFacial, but more clinical studies need to be done to confirm these benefits directly.

HydraFacial for rosacea

It can be difficult to find cosmetic treatments safe enough for this sensitive skin condition. While more research is needed to prove the safety and effectiveness of the HydraFacial for rosacea, a 2006 study revealed that similar techniques may benefit papulopustular rosacea.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]