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A chemical peel is a deep exfoliating treatment in which an acid solution is used to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin. Chemical peels accelerate the elimination of dead skin cells, allowing for young healthy plump skin cells to be produced at a faster rate.

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What do Chemical Peels treat?

Chemical peels relieve the signs of dry, rough skin, oily acneic blemishes and pigmentary stains (brown spots) which are the consequence of long-term exposure to the sun, hormonal changes and other environmental factors.After a thorough skin analysis, your esthetician will choose the peel that is right for you. They can assist in drying acne lesions, reduce the appearance of acne scarring and blackheads, smooth superficial wrinkles, and lighten skin pigment disorders. These facial peels can be performed anytime, as there is no post-peel recovery time.

Peels improve collagen production (a natural protein found in the skin which gives the skin a plump healthy youthful glow)Chemical peels are a deep exfoliating treatment to detoxify, increase skin absorption, promote skin renewal and leave your complexion brightened and more radiant, as well as accelerating the elimination of dead cells using professional glycolic, salicylic or lactic acid. A customized treatment plan will be recommended at your consultation.

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It is designed to perform various types of chemical exfoliation at various skin depths, to exfoliate and stimulate dermal remodeling. It also allows the introduction of other ingredients into the skin to help treat skin issues such as:

  • Pigmentation
  • Blackheads
  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Age and UV related skin thinning

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